Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's not Pi Day!

...but I'll be prepared for when it once again rolls around, on March 14, 2011. I'll be practicing my new song constantly over the next 10 1/2 months, so I'll be able to sing it flawlessly long after being kicked out of the house. Until then, you can make your own preparations by listening to the song and making your own videos and stuff. Enjoy.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

New Staff Meeting recording posted

Having learned quite a bit from integrating my new equipment and studying up on mixing and mastering for "Doctor", I decided to go back over my older stuff and bring it up to date. First stop, "Staff Meeting". All new vocals on my new mic in the studio (closet actually). Compression, limiting, reverb, echo, chorus, EQ. And hopefully none of that in such quantity that it's too noticeable and gets in the way of the music.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Is There a Doctor in the House?

New song time! I have no fewer than three songs in mind already that have to do with science fiction shows I like, so perhaps that will end up being a thing with me. Who knows? Anyway, this one is coincidentally very neatly timed to the start of the new season of Doctor Who.

This is also the first song I've created with my new equipment. Not much, but a good quality, side address large diameter cardioid condenser mic, pop filter, and balanced cable made a huge difference. The noise floor is amazingly low, and the built-in 80Hz high-pass filter allows me to record with the family home without any noise from footsteps, HVAC, etc. I love it. It's also the first song where I'm attempting to apply compression, delay, and more complex reverb and chorusing techniques. All in software, as I'm not yet to the point where I can justify purchasing dedicated equipment for such things. But I like the results. Hope you do too!

Is There a Doctor in the House?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Comments on song pages

I'm not happy with the comment system I've been using on my web site. It requires login, which serves as a barrier to people wanting to contribute. Google Sites has a built-in facility for commenting, but requires all users be registered participants. What I'd really like is a system where anyone can comment, but I have the ability to moderate and delete offensive posts. Anyone have an idea of how to do that and still be compatible with Google Sites?

Or alternately, I wouldn't mind switching to another provider if Google can't do what I want.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

My Site

If you're reading this directly on my blog (unlikely since I don't intend on distributing the link), I have a new site up and running here. But you're probably seeing this post embedded in the site itself, in which case this announcement is redundant. Nevermind.